Sunday, March 29, 2009

De Beers, Coca-Cola, and Volkswagen

De Beers
De Beers will forever be associated with the phrase "A Diamond is Forever." Their advertising began when there was a great need to restore the public's feelings about diamonds, since many of their prices had collapsed. The hope was to get N.W. Ayer to convince Americans to buy expensive diamonds.

De Beers began their early advertisements by displaying images that were reminiscent of Picasso. This started the boom of the diamond industry but many people were still in a state of financial distress. Their advertising has changed with each decade. By the time the 70's came around, De Beers advertisements focused more on casuality.
The main similarity between then and now is the emphasis on associating diamonds with love and romance.

These older ads began the start of the phrase "A Diamond is Forever". These are from
1983 and 1975.

These are new advertisements for De Beers created by JWT,New York. Still sticking to the same concept of love, romance, and diamonds.


McCann Erickson was responsible for handling the early Coca-Cola advertisements after grabbing the company from D'Arcy.

Recent Coca-Cola work:

- Wieden and Kennedy, Portland

- Mother, London

These are a very different take on Coke compared to the McCann advertisements. The new Coke ads are much more modern and cartoon-like.


The older Volkswagen ads done by DDB are very simple and recognizable. They have an easy copy to read and understand and still make a statement.

The new Volkswagen work comes from Crispin Porter + Bogusky. It is completely different than anything done by DDB. It is more quirky and in your face than the simple copy ads previously done.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I can't believe it's not butter...

Agency: McCann Erickson Worldwide, New York
"Meet the Buttertons"

My sister made sure to send this one to me. She was watching TV one night and thought it was funny and that I would appreciate it. I think the little boy is my favorite during the 1950s scene. He looks so enthusiastic about the thought of a stick of butter on his potato! Interesting sidenote- this campaign to make healthier choices actually involves an agency called Blackdot located here in Dallas!